Digital platforms are one of the places where people interact the most. Unfortunately, many of them are subjected to cyberbullying. Especially in 2020, due to racial issues (BLM, discrimination against Asian Americans), political issues (the US presidential election), and the international pandemic, people have had to deal with severe situations in the virtual world.This experimental campaign was designed to remind people to consider other people's perspective. Sometimes people disguise themselves and attack others, as in gaming. The creative spark for this project came from that sad reality. The creepy but eye-catching colors and motifs are intended to get people’s attention.The video was created to be sized for digital signage. It can also be shared via social media stories. I hope this work contributes to a more moral society.
Type Directors Club, 67th Annual Communication Design Competition 2021 / Certificate of Typographic Excellence
Type Directors Club, 67th Annual Communication Design Competition 2021 / Certificate of Typographic Excellence